Chic Streetwear Tachiagaru Hoodie

Size XS S M L

Crafted with premium material for true comfort and fit.

• Ultra soft feel
• Cotton blend material
• Holds color and size when washed

Unique, one-of-a-kind product. Not available in stores.

Superior Quality
All of our apparel is carefully crafted for absolute precision, superior comfort, and maximum durability.


1988 年、日本政府は、子供に対する ESP 実験が失敗した後、東京に原子爆弾を投下しました。 2019 年、街を核攻撃してから 31 年後、バイク ギャングのリーダーである金田は、政府の極秘プロジェクトから友人のテツオを救おうとします。 鉄雄の超自然的な力が突然現れるまで、彼は反政府活動家、貪欲な政治家、無責任な科学者、強力な軍事指導者と戦います. 実験の秘密を暴く最終決戦、東京オリンピック。


In 1988 the Japanese government drops an atomic bomb on Tokyo after ESP experiments on children go awry. In 2019, 31 years after nuking the city, Kaneda, a bike gang leader, tries to save his friend Tetsuo from a secret government project. He battles against anti-government activists, greedy politicians, irresponsible scientists and a powerful military leader until Tetsuo's supernatural power suddenly manifest. A final battle is fought in Tokyo Olympiad exposing the experiment's secrets.


All products are in normal U.S. / U.K. sizing and are true-to-size, unless otherwise noted. Please visit our  page for more information.